Anxiously anticipating, accessing angry abysses—ancient ancestors await
Breathing between boys brazen-faced by breathy bitches besieged because
Carnal cravings clearly create criss-crossing cultures, clever crimes,
Dizzying dreams—don’t dismiss—Dick and Daisy doing doggie deeds.
Eagerly enticing existent energies, engaging enthusiastically, everyone experiencing epiphanies.
Floating freely, famished fellas and freaky freedom fighters forge ferocious fucking fantasies,
Gleefully giggling, grappling graciously, giving green granite grins, going gonzo
Haphazardly hiding happy hedonistic highs, having hordes of honey (w)hores.
Inventing ingenious ideas, instigating impaling, impregnating individuals,
Jaded jailbait, jacking-off, jezebel junkies justifying juicy jism
Kissing kamikaze, kinkily killing kinetic karma—kaput
Licentious living, leaves lives longing lost loves, let lips lash less lies
Mindless men making more massive miseries, mistakenly missing maturation
Now nice knights needed near northern nations, next night’s nooky nearly noble
Only overtly organized optimal orgasmic occasions occur
Penis-pussy, please perform precautionary practices, particularly protect privates
Quarrels quash quandaries, quick, qualify quiet questioning quests
Reaching reality, recognition remains reasonable, release resentments, reveal rivals
Still seeking self, searching soulful spirituality, seems silly sometimes, silently strive
Triumphant teachings test tempers to try talking together, tame temptations
Ultimate ugliness, universally unacceptable, unveil untold utopias
Villainous vipers vying vis-à-vis vulgarities vs. voices vibrantly visiting visceral visions
Words working, waking whatever will whisper wishes of worthwhile will
Expressions exponentially excited expedite exploring exquisite exuberance
Yellowing yesterdays yield yearning youth yelling ying yang yonder
Zig-zagging zealots zing zonked zephyrs zeroing zonally—Zion , Zen—Zechariah, Zeno, Zoroaster